Saturday 28 February 2015

Royal Thai Embassy Time


New Vlog is up on Suze and the Beard

We headed to London to see if we could extend our Thai visas. 
Can't lie it was a rush trying to get there in time (9-12 opening times) when you live out in the sticks, however once we arrived, a little out of breath, the process was so easy. 

Take the following with you: 

Visa Application Form - filled out which can be found on the Royal Thai Embassy website

Two Passport Photos - mug shots at the ready guys 
No smiling 
No hair in the way 
No duck faces 

Fee - in cash 

You grab a ticket, a little bit like your at a deli in a supermarket, and wait your turn. 
When you are called up, hand everything over to the lovely member of staff and a few stamps later your all done. 
They will hand you a receipt and tell you to come back to collect the next day, or in our case on the Monday. Simple as that. 
It's now just a waiting game to see if it's approved....fingers crossed everyone!! 

We then couldn't resist a little mooch into town and a remanising moment of our first date.

Go check out the VLOG, subscribe and maybe give us a cheeky thumbs up. 

Suze and the Beard x

The Royal Thai Embassy -

The Diner Camden -

AllSaints -

Urban Outfitters Market -

Starbucks -


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Happy Pancake Day

1 cup of milk 
1 cup of self raising flour 
1 to 2 eggs depending on how many pancakes you want to make 
A bowl 
And a whisk

A quick, easy pudding you can have either savoury or sweet. 
Suze - I love mine with fresh orange juice and some sugar. Nearly every pancake day I get asked why orange and not lemon, and this year was no different. It's just seriously tasty! Trust me. 
Beardy - Golden syrup, lots and lots of golden syrup, for that sugar rush effect. 

Happy Pancake Day Everyone

We hope you had a 'flipping' good one...such a bad pun. 

Suze and the Beard 


Sunday 15 February 2015

Our First Vlog

So it's finally here! Our first VLOG! 
Sorry for the odd wobble we are still learning. 

Go and check it out, give us a little like and please subscribe! 


Instagram: @suzeandthebeard @beardyandsuze 
Twitter: suzy0305 
YouTube: Suze and the Beard

Thank you to everyone for your support it really means a lot. 

Suze and the Beard x


Tuesday 10 February 2015

Liebster Award - Discover New Blogs


Something pretty awesome happened to us today! We got nominated for the Liebster Award

To be honest the puzzled look on Beardy's face was brilliant, so that alone deserves a huge thank you to alwaysrainsglitter for that treat, but more so for acknowledging us. 
This is all very new to us, as we have only just started blogging/vlogging, so we weren't even aware that this was a 'thing'. 
We both think it seems to be a fantastic way for aspiring bloggers to get noticed and we are very grateful for the nomination. 

So rules and the nitty gritty

You need to make sure you thank the blogger who nominated you with there link

Thanks again alwaysrainsglitter 
Go check out her blog

Check :) 

Nominate 11 new bloggers that who have less than 200 followers and Include the link

We are going to nominate:

The Wanderer

Taking America

The Cosy Traveller

Misses Honeyblossom

Bunks and Beaches

Emilys Endeavours

The Wandering Lens

A Life Passport

What ever life throws at me

Dutch On The Move

Frolic and Wander

Check :) 

Answer the 11 questions the blogger has given you to answer. We are both going to answer these
  1. Whats your favourite film? Suze - toughy, has to be Anchorman, quotes galore!                        Beardy - definitely Dude, where's my car !? Much to Suze's disgust. 
  2. What could you not live without? Suze - cuddles, I do love a good hug, that and hot sauce.     Beardy - luckily you like those things separate, would not be a fan of smothering myself in hot sauce. Definitely agree with Suze.
  3. What is your favourite clothes shop? Suze - we don't usually go clothes shopping as Asos is just awesome, has to be Asos.                                                                                                     Beardy - No favourite just whatever looks alright and is comfy suits me
  4. If you could only take one makeup item with you in your bag, what would it be? Suze - Eco lip balm don't want a chap chap city situation, what about you Beardy, what make up item always needs to be in your man bag?                                                                                                         Beardy - I'm going to pass on this one
  5. Do you prefer winter or summer? Suze - both, love wrapping up warm but also love an English summer, can't decide. Beardy - you may as well enjoy and make the most of what you get with standard British weather either way I'm not fussed.
  6. Fav chocolate bar? Suze - Cadbury dairy milk whole nut. Beardy - I do quite enjoy a boost bar there's a bit of everything packed in it.
  7. What perfume do you like? Suze - it has to be Victoria's Secret Noir Tease. Gorgeous fragrance, sweet, fruity, lush. Beardy - I always use Diesel only the brave, just because I'm boring and I know I like it so why change.
  8. Have any pets? Suze - We have a little bundle of high maintenance fluff called Figaro. He's a 15 year old mixed tabby. Fig and beardy have a right little bromance. Beardy - My adopted fluff child Figaro, imagine a small grumpy old man in cat form pretty much sums him up.
  9. Whats your favourite holiday? Suze - I think the best is yet to come. Beardy - agreed, not that I've had many previous.
  10. Whats your next blog post going to be about? Suze - I am being taken to London for the Valentine's weekend by the bearded wonder, so I think we'll attempt our first Vlog, what do you think, up for that? Beardy - not sure on the vlog front but I'll give it a go, I'm sure I can get some good photos and suggestions to put forward though
  11. What was your first blog post about? Suze - it was pretty much explaining our travelling plans/introducing ourselves. 

Check :) 

Make up your own 11 questions for bloggers to answer.

Why did you start blogging? 

Favourite blogger? 

What is your favorite animal? 

What is your favourite makeup brand?

Any annoying habits? 

Do you have any pets?

What is the meaning behind your blog name?

One thing you would take on a desert island? 

Number one on your bucket list? 

What are some of your future goals?

What are the 3 things that make you happy?

Check :) 

Most importantly make sure you let the bloggers know that you have selected them.

Once again thank you for the nomination. We both really appreciate it and we can't wait to continue this adventure. 

Suze and the Beard x


Friday 6 February 2015

Asos Travelling Bundle

The bundle has arrived! 
From bulk buying undies to essential t-shirt sets, Asos has well and truly set us up for our travels. 
We got everything in the sale and the bill didn't make us nearly drop the IPad. 

Harem trousers 
Crop tops 
Bikini tops and bottoms 
Bum bag - yes that's right 

With the 'up to 75%' sale and the easy to use app/website you can't go wrong for all your travelling needs.

We also reccomend purchasing the Asos Premier for only £9.95 for free next day delivery for a WHOLE YEAR

As you can see, all the trying on has tuckered someone out. 

Thanks Asos 

Suze and The Beard x

© Suze and the Beard . All rights reserved.