Wednesday 20 April 2016

Another Step Closer to 30

So the BIG Twenty Six is just around the corner, 13 days to be exact, and in all honesty I don’t really know how to feel.


Turning 26 is a pretty big milestone, well saying that I guess its not one of those highly celebrated numbers, but for me, 26 is one that I have somewhat been apprehensive about...almost to the point of dreading. 

Once you reach 26 you are no longer allowed to say, 'I'm in my early 20’s', I mean blimey 4 more years and I’ll be 30!!! How did that happen?!

Whilst trying to get my head round that fact I realised that age is just a number. 

Why am I worrying? 

On the morning of Tuesday 3rd May I will be no different. 

Physically I will still be a little bit chubby. 

Mentally I will still be a little bit childish. 


And I find it very unlikely I will wake up knowing where my life is me if I do I will let you know.   

So what is the plan to make the most of this next step closer to being 30? 

Let’s stress less! 

25 was a very stressful year. I’m pretty sure I have acquired several stress lines (face and stretch) from this milestone age. I’ll be whipping out the yoga mat, lighting a few more 'de-stress' candles and to be honest not giving so much of a monkeys about other peoples dramas. Work, Bills and Debts I’ll pop in a little bag at the back of my mind and focus on having fun! 


Ditch the podge! 

Well, I am extremely excited about this. I have recently really kicked myself up the bum (sounds like an interesting position) but yeah...I have dropped just over a stone and I couldn’t be happier. Bike every night, no crappy crap and nearly 4 litres of water a day! We are on the right path people. It is just continuing with it. Fingers crossed slightly skinnier Suze is making a come back! 

                                                                   (And yes that is me) 

Adventure Time…com’on grab your friends!! Blimey I love that programme!

I need some adventuring back in my life. This time last year Beardy and I were travelling around the world and it was incredible!! I think mini adventures are needed to release my inner Fin and Jake. Amsterdam? Berlin? Paris? Who knows…Any ideas guys chuck them my way. 


Even though 26 is still a terrifying number and I guess I’m still not fully ready for it, I can’t help but feel if I face it with the right mind set and positive vibe....then sod it! A number is a number. 

Let’s fill this 26th year with as many memories and fun times as possible. 


Wednesday 6 April 2016

The 5 struggles of an average girl in Spring

1. Bare Legs Are Back 

The struggle is real my ewok sisters. With Spring very clearly on our doorstep, it’s time to get those pins out of their warm winter coats and stripped bare. Whether you wax, shave, cream or epilate (ouch) we need to start the prep so we are summer smooth ready. But be careful, a cut or rashy leg is never a winner.   


2.  Lighter Nights

Now I love this time of year. Where the sun stays out that little bit longer, the drinks flow a few hours more and the random gatherings go on well into the night. But this is also a curse. A casual after work drink on a Tuesday can go on until way pass my bedtime, which results in a grumpy Suze on a Wednesday morning. But Hey its Spring who cares! 


3. Spring Wardrobe

Chunky jumpers, warm cosy snoods, layers layers layers are no more. This upsets me greatly. Being a curvy lass in every which way the spring wardrobe can give me sleepless nights. 
Flowy skirts? Strappy tops? Possible shorts??? Oh hell no! The Fear! 

4. Spring Body Ready? 

This is pretty much a carry on from number 3. Even though we are very much on the right track to getting the slim Suze back, we are still carrying a bit of winter chubbage. Oh how I regret that extra mince pie, and that wonderful, oozy garlic and rosemary camembert with rustic bread…..who am I kidding it was great. However, flicking through a few magazines and scanning over some beautiful blogs, perhaps it’s time to get full on focused on the exercise front and prepare to bloom in spring.


5. Spring Clean 

Rubber gloves at the ready! We all have that one cupboard, draw or in our case flat, that is in need of a little decluttering. Now I will be the first to admit I’m a bit or a hoarder. Throwing nick nacks away is never something at the top of my ‘to do list’. Perhaps though it’s time to make some space, clear out the crap and see if we can make a few quid in the process. What’s the saying? 
Clear Space Clear Mind?...or something like that.  

Come on then Spring! Let’s be having you.  

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