Wednesday 20 April 2016

Another Step Closer to 30

So the BIG Twenty Six is just around the corner, 13 days to be exact, and in all honesty I don’t really know how to feel.


Turning 26 is a pretty big milestone, well saying that I guess its not one of those highly celebrated numbers, but for me, 26 is one that I have somewhat been apprehensive about...almost to the point of dreading. 

Once you reach 26 you are no longer allowed to say, 'I'm in my early 20’s', I mean blimey 4 more years and I’ll be 30!!! How did that happen?!

Whilst trying to get my head round that fact I realised that age is just a number. 

Why am I worrying? 

On the morning of Tuesday 3rd May I will be no different. 

Physically I will still be a little bit chubby. 

Mentally I will still be a little bit childish. 


And I find it very unlikely I will wake up knowing where my life is me if I do I will let you know.   

So what is the plan to make the most of this next step closer to being 30? 

Let’s stress less! 

25 was a very stressful year. I’m pretty sure I have acquired several stress lines (face and stretch) from this milestone age. I’ll be whipping out the yoga mat, lighting a few more 'de-stress' candles and to be honest not giving so much of a monkeys about other peoples dramas. Work, Bills and Debts I’ll pop in a little bag at the back of my mind and focus on having fun! 


Ditch the podge! 

Well, I am extremely excited about this. I have recently really kicked myself up the bum (sounds like an interesting position) but yeah...I have dropped just over a stone and I couldn’t be happier. Bike every night, no crappy crap and nearly 4 litres of water a day! We are on the right path people. It is just continuing with it. Fingers crossed slightly skinnier Suze is making a come back! 

                                                                   (And yes that is me) 

Adventure Time…com’on grab your friends!! Blimey I love that programme!

I need some adventuring back in my life. This time last year Beardy and I were travelling around the world and it was incredible!! I think mini adventures are needed to release my inner Fin and Jake. Amsterdam? Berlin? Paris? Who knows…Any ideas guys chuck them my way. 


Even though 26 is still a terrifying number and I guess I’m still not fully ready for it, I can’t help but feel if I face it with the right mind set and positive vibe....then sod it! A number is a number. 

Let’s fill this 26th year with as many memories and fun times as possible. 


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