Friday 10 July 2015

Remedies on the Road

This little brown bottle is full (well half full) of the most wonderful and incredible discovery of our trip...Coconut Oil! 


Ever since being recommended coconut oil, by a local for that dreaded sunburn back in Cambodia, this versatile product has now become something we can't live without! 

Coconut oil can be used for so many different things, here are just a few reasons why we love it  and why we made it a solid part of our lifestyle and routine: 

Sun Burn 
Apply a thin layer to the effected area and let it sink in. Coconut oil soothes the burn, calms the redness and keeps the skin hydrated. Obviously during this time keep sipping water, and keep out of direct sun. We promise you in a matter of minutes your skin will feel instantly soothed and hydrated.

Moisturiser for Dry Skin 
We both suffer from dry skin. By using a small amount of coconut oil every morning and evening, it has made a dramatic difference to our skin. You might be thinking eww oil on your face, but trust us it's amazing. It feels strange at first as it's obviously an oily consistency, however let it sink in, let it work its magic and you will see the benefits almost instantly. Leaving it over night also help with clearing up any blemishes. Yay!

Makeup Remover 
Now this only applies to Suze. By massaging a small amount over the face, concentrating on the eyes, work the product in then wipe off with a wet warm muslin cloth. This miracle removes even the toughest of waterproof mascaras (which as we know girls is a must for any traveller) 

The obvious reason for oil! 
It's brilliant if you are wanting to cut down the calories as coconut oil is a healthier substitute for butter or olive oil. 
It also adds a beautiful subtle hint of coconut to any meal. We think it works brilliantly with chicken fajitas and homemade guacamole (post to follow soon) 

Hair Mask 
As you guys know, Suze has been trying to grow her hair for a while now. By adding coconut oil to her already hair growing routine with charcoal shampoo and conditioner, has made a huge difference. 
It also makes for a great beard oil which prevents itchiness and keeps your facial hair under control.. Obviously for beardy. 


By adding a handful to your roots, combing it through right to the ends, leaving over night then rinsing the next morning, your hair will feel and look soft and hydrated. 
You will unfortunately go to bed looking very umm greasy and slick but it'll be worth it for luscious locks.

Eczema (mixed with Tiger balm Red) 
Suze, like so many people, suffers from eczema. Mixing a small amount of coconut oil with the red tiger balm has proven to be quite the miracle worker. 
It not only soothes but also clears up any redness and stops the dreaded itchiness. 
Hey, if you've tried everything the doctor has to offer and they haven't worked, trust us this is worth a shot. 

This product has made such a difference to both of us. 
It's now very much a lifetime staple in both our routines. 
Plus if you are going to places like Thailand it's so so so cheap!! So stock up! 
It's a little pricier here, in the UK, but it's well worth those extra pennies to reap the rewards of using this incredible natural product.


Top Tips

▪️There are a lot of organic nature shops around, so keep an eye out, as you can grab coconut oil on the cheap in large amounts in Thailand.

▪️Tiger balm is produced in Thailand so the cost is so cheap compared to the UK. Plus you can buy it in bulk in red or white form. 

▪️If you are stocking up, be aware of limits on customs laws...just a warning! 

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