Monday 27 July 2015

UK - Our Festival Essentials

We are Back!! Perhaps a little muddier and wetter than we had anticipated, but the rubbish weather hasn't stopped us from having the most amazing couple of weeks.


We have so many things to share with you over the next few blogs...But for now, let's talk Festival Must Haves!

You want to make your trip as light as possible, as you guys may or may not know, the car park is very rarely near the campsite (unless you rock up insanely early or have the luck of the festival fairies on your side like we did) so you don't want to be carrying unnecessary items on your trek. 

So here is our easy to follow guide to festival life.

As we have been working on the awesome, magical festival that is Secret Garden Party, this year we decided to skip out on the tent side of things, as we were guaranteed a decent parking space and have a car which pretty much doubles up as a bed in the back.

Sleeping bag
Travel pillow pretty much all you will need on the sleeping front. We wouldn't go over the top with a huge tent or the luxuries of inflatable matresses as they are heavy and usually deflate. Let's face it guys, if you are spending a lot of time in your tent you are doing it all wrong. 

Now at some point, due to the wonderful British Summer, there will be rain, unless you are extremely lucky...which we weren't, so these were a must...

Waterproof Jacket

You can now not only get some fashionable but also affordable waterproofs, so go on the hunt. The high street have some crazy colourful pieces out at the moment, along with the traditional black and khaki green, so get waterproofing in style. However if you want to be thrifty a trusty bin bag creation is always a winner. 


This over everything should be practical and comfortable! Beardy is a fan of an old pair of converse or boots.


Suze attempted to brave the mud wrestling ring with flip flops (it was forecast to be sunny in her defence and it was right up until the festival) but Mother Nature struck her down in a muddy mess.


So we had to buy an overpriced pair of wellies! £20!!!! So take spares! 



Basic clothes and/or fancy dress. You only need a small amount of clothes guys! There is honestly no need to go over the top! Just make sure you have spares in case of the dreaded rain. 

We were very easy going on this front, obviously underwear and socks were included in these.


1 pair of jeans (SuperDry) 

3 t-shirts (SuperDry/TopMan/Asos) 

2 pairs of shorts (Asos) 

2 jumpers (Festival/Fenchurch)

1 hat (Beardo) 

1 Rain Mac (Calvin Klein)



1 pair of jeans (TopShop)

2 vest tops (Asos) 

1 t-shirt (Asos) 

1 pair of leggings (New Look) 

2 jumpers (Asos/Festival) 

2 hats (TopShop/Beardo) 

1 Rain Mac (Trespass)


Now SGP is all about having fun and being colourful, so if you want to whip out some fancy dress, then hells yeah go for it! 


If you don't have anything to hand, never fear, The Secret Emporium is here! This is one of Suze's favourite tents as its full of dressing up clothes and glitter! 


An all time favourite is a company called 'In Your Dreams'. These guys sell the most beautiful pieces from temporary tattoos to hair chalk to bindi cluster. 


From their humble beginnings on the UK festival scene as intricate body and face painters, they soon evolved and are now adding sequins, gold leaf, bindis, gems and glitter to every face and body they can! So take some extra cash and get creative people!

Toiletries (so you can attempt to keep yourself a little clean...good luck) 

Baby Wipes

Ideal for not only removing the days grub off your face but also handy for a quick 'tent wash' know what we mean. 

Hand Sanitiser 

This stuff is a must! Honestly once you have witnessed a festival portaloo you will understand 

Loo Roll

Again, 1 word...portaloo

Dry Shampoo

4 days with no shower dry shampoo is your new best friend. We use Batiste, it only stops you looking like a greasy mess, but it's also great to style and hold those classic festival styles. 

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

Keep those nashers pearly white and minty fresh. 


Instead of carrying our lovely huge jar of coconut oil we took one of Nivea's travel size hydrating soft moisturisers. Perfect after a long day and really refreshing in the morning! 

Make Up (for Suze) 

Keep it simple, bb cream, waterproof mascara, urban decay naked basic eye pallet and a good lipstick (Rimmel Kate Nudes were perfect), can't go wrong, especially if you are going to go nutty with the glitter. 



Trying to keep your hair looking half decent at a festival is difficult at the best of times, so pop one of these in your bag and you'll be set whatever the weather. 

Sun Lotion 

Hopefully if the sun decides to make an appearance. 

Travel Towel

If it rains this will be your go to item upon return to your tent! 

Cameras & Spare Batteries 

Being photography people we are never too far away from our cameras. We took our Nikon D5300 and our GoPro Hero4 with selfie stick which were perfect. Don't forget to take spare, fully charged batteries with you as there are plenty of snaps to be had. 



Technology is a must. However...try and live without your phones for most of the weekend. This will give you the opportunity to not only enjoy yourself but also to get as many photos as possible. Do all your Instagramming and Facebooking when you are back. Trust us you'll enjoy the festival more, plus it will save you having to spend money charging it constantly.  


Now this is needed not only so you can try all the tasty food but also if you try and get it out at the festival you will be charged a crazy amount to withdraw. But be warned! Keep it safe! Keep it in small amounts in lots of different places, so if some does go missing you've got a back up.

Top Tips

▪️Be Safe. Festivals are so much fun and we would recommend them to anyone, but guys please be safe. If you want to drink and or do anything a little bit naughtier please do so responsibly and know your limits. Ending up in an ambulance is never fun. 

▪️Don't keep valuables in your tent! This may sound odd but make your tent a little messy. This means if some cheeky so and so does decide to snoop you won't lose anything.

▪️We had the chance to work on this awesome festival. If this is something that appeals to you then head to the events Website and find the Volunteer button. Granted you won't get paid but you will be able to go the festival at the end of it. Win win! 


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