Monday 10 August 2015

Travelling is a Game Changer

We have been together for over a year now, which some people might think, blimey you don't hang about! 
You live together
You blog together
And you are travelling together...isn't that a bit soon? 

Now in most cases, Yes, it probably would be, but (and trust us when we say we are trying to do this in the least cheesiest way possible) when you know you've found the one, you just know. 


Even having been together for over a year and lived together for 8 of those months we thought we knew each other's little habits, some cute, some gross. 
However even more came to a head when travelling began!  

Here are a few little warnings and tips to help you guys out whilst travelling as a couple.

Natural beauty will shine

Smart clothes, hair products, straighteners and make up all go out the window when you're travelling. 
More so for the girls, it's that awkward phase of letting that stuff go. 
Embrace it girlies! Let the hair go wild and let your natural beauty come out. 
Honestly more often than not you will be looking like a mess. All these well put together travellers is a lie...or we just haven't mastered it yet.
You will honestly see each other looking natural and lovely but also gross and sweaty.
Instead of perfect hair and well presented make up Beardy now looks at hair piled up in a messy bun, no make, a vest top and shorts. But it doesn't matter. Learn to love being natural! 
Suze however doesn't mind that beardy went a little castaway on the situation, using it as an excuse not to keep up appearances and just let his hair do its own thing.



▪️Your skin and hair will welcome the break!! Our skin and hair has been in the best condition ever. Think about it! 
Lots of water
A little bit of sun (whilst being protected)
Natural hair products
It has all helped in clearing up our skin and making our hair grow. 

▪️Ladies, yes it's great being natural but make sure you don't go all 'wookie' on the situation. You know what I mean. Grab a razor and sort those pins out. 

▪️You will get sweaty, or rained on! Face it you are in a tropical country. So be prepared! Deodorant, wet wipes, sun lotion and in case of the random down pour a rain mac! Preparation is key! You're both in the same boat so embrace it. 

▪️To be perfectly honest seeing each other at our best but now also at our worst has made us even stronger, lovey dovey again we know, but seeing each other scruffy and dishevelled just shows us what we have is more than just based on appearances. 


It's bound to happen, you will bicker! Little things will start to annoy you and spending pretty much 24 hours a day together is never healthy! 



▪️Know when to back off! This is vital, if you feel it's getting heated leave it. Give each other space and time to cool off. 

▪️Arrange time for yourself. Even if it's just an hour! It will give you that space to do the things you loved doing back at home. Read a chapter of your book, go and have a coffee, call home. Nine times out of ten you start to wonder what the other is up to and end up meeting up anyway. It's just nice to know you have that 'me' time. 

                                                  This is Suze's awesome Dad by the way 

▪️Don't hold grudges. Don't let a silly tiff ruin your trip. Say sorry, have a cuddle and make up. I mean look where you are!! Enjoy it whilst you can! 

Toilet Activity 

Right lets get this out there, it's not pleasant, it's not lady like, but hey everyone does it...poop! 
When you're back at home it's the classic situation of either waiting for them to go out or doing the 'shower trick' so they can't hear you. It's creating that illusion that you're all lovely and perfect. 
But trust us that illusion is well and truly smashed when your away seeing the world.
We guarantee at some point on your travels one of you, if not both, will have a toilet issue, aka icky tummy. 
This will involve frequent rushes to the loo, normally resulting in some seriously odd noises and lots of 'Oh No's' coming from the bathroom. 



▪️LAUGH ABOUT IT! It's funny! This maybe TMI but we have both had situations where we have had to rush off, and in small accommodation where your bed is inches away from the bathroom you are bound to hear it. We instantly laugh it off. Or tell the other 'Turn the telly up'! 

▪️Be understanding! Don't make the other feel more embarrassed than they already do. Be as sympathetic as you'd want them to be if you were in that situation. 

▪️At the end of the day, everybody poops! Get over it and have a giggle

We hope these help, and just remember...Be safe, have fun and don't forget to enjoy it whilst you can. 

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