Wednesday 9 March 2016

Going Grey

No this isn’t a stress related issue. 
I have tried so many different ways to get that lush grey colour but failed every time. 
We are talking Purple Shampoos, Toners and Temp colours that vanish at the mention of water. 
Nothing seems to work. 
I’ve seen on Instagram and Youtube this new range called Colour Freedom Metallic Glory that is actually a permanent grey colour range for all hair types.
So I went to my local SuperDrug but low and beyond they were sold out in the colour Silver Grey!! Typical, I find a colour that could actually cure my non grey hair woes and I can’t get my mitts on it. 
I went online to see if I could get it that way, but to my horror the words ‘OUT OF STOCK’ were mocking me for weeks! 
It wasn’t until last week I got a nudge email say it was back in stock, so I jumped at the chance and ordered a batch!! 
Right so let’s talk about my hair. 
Recently, as you guys know, it’s been bugging me like an itch you can't scratch, or an eyelash in your eye, or some other bug bare that I can’t think of right now, but you get the gist. 
Having been a platinum blonde for most of my life, to then going travelling and letting my natural mane come through, recently that novelty has worn off and I’ve become ‘Meh’ about my natural locks. 

So I gave this a whirl.
I emptied the tube of colour and the developer into a tint bowl. 

The colour had a slight blue tint to it which I can't lie, freaked me out a little. 



After sectioning my hair into quarters I applied it over my head starting from the roots and working towards the ends. 

Almost instantly the colour started to develop so I asked beardy for a hand. 

When my hair was completely covered (which took about 10/15 mins) I left it it a further 5 and I kept checking the ends. 

When I was finally cooked I rinsed and conditioned with the little sachet that comes with the kit. 

And here are the results 
The ends are little more Bluey than I would have liked, but at least it's more of a solid grey tone than the wishy washy style i'm used to. To be honest I'm a fan. 
My advice would be to get someone to do it for you as this stuff develops quickly. 
It recommends you leave it on for 25 mins after application, but I think if I'd done that it would have been ocean blue all over...and as much as I love Marge Simpson I don't really fancy rocking her look. 

Out of 10....hmm id go with a 7. It's a great even colour, though slightly darker (with a bit more blue thrown in) but hey I actually now have grey hair. 

For an at home colour it's brilliant, but just be careful not to let it over develop. 

If you are unsure ask your hairdresser for advice or do a sample patch test before fully committing. 

Lets work the granny look. 

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